You won’t believe under pricing is a most viable strategy for Charlotte home sellers

How long do you want your property to remain on the market not sold?

Days on the Market versus Sale Price % of List Price

Home Sales Data Charlotte NC 2023

12,190 Total Sales through 23 DecemberPercent of SalesDays on Market Average
Sale Price Less than 80% of List Price0.5%51
Sale Price 80% to 90% of List Price 2.0%51
Sale Price 90% to 95% of List Price 7.3%56
Sale Price 95% to 100% of List Price33.8%47
Sale Price Equal to List Price26.2%31
Sale Price 100% to 105% of List Price21.2%15
Sale Price 105% to 110% of List Price6.5%6
Sale Price 110% to 120% of List Price2.2%6
Sale Price Greater than 120% List Price0.3%10
Days on Market versus Sale Price Percent of List Price


One response to “You won’t believe under pricing is a most viable strategy for Charlotte home sellers”

  1. Jamie Hewitt Avatar
    Jamie Hewitt

    I love it!